Shewmaker Genetics

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Site last updated on 06/01/2024

There are many ways to breed racing pigeons.

The methods that we use in our loft are the result of over 40 years of animal breeding. We believe in them and have had outstanding success in a number of different species using them. While they certainly don’t represent the only way it can be done, this section describes our program.


Our Lines


Breeding Program


Testing Program








Our Lofts


What’s New


About the Site

We have three Primary Lines. One for sprints (races under three hours), one for long distance (races over ten hours) and one for the middle distances (typically six to eight hours which are usually the 300 mile races).

We also maintain a number of Heirloom Lines - families that we have found to possess unique and valuable genetics that we feel need to be preserved. Some of them are behind our primary lines while others are maintained to keep available a strong and diverse gene pool for use in the future evolution of our lines.

No breeding program can stand still and expect to remain competitive in this sport. We are continuously evaluating new lines. These are our Trial Lines.

Finally, we usually have a line or two that is just for fun. We call these the Novelty Line(s). Currently we are playing around with some Whites and Creams.  

We have had outstanding success in a number of different species using our breeding methods. While they certainly don’t represent the only way it can be done, this section will describe in detail the breeding of racing pigeons as it is practiced in our loft:

The testing program at Shewmaker Genetics is the cornerstone of our entire breeding program. We describe in this section all of the details of our testing program.

We are not even close to the top in our racing methods. Part of that is because we just don’t have the time and part is because there are many others who are better. Be that as it may, here is where we share our methods. 

No loft can successfully compete in this sport if it doesn’t have perfect health. Further, the substantial investment we have made in our breeding program absolutely requires that we protect it with the very best health program possible. We employ strict bio-security measures and believe we have a very sound health program. This section describes what we do and may serve as a model for what you may want to do in your loft.

Buying pigeons should be straight forward. Here are some details you might find helpful.

Take a virtual tour of our loft. In this section, we describe some of our ideas about loft construction, the water system, landing boards and breeding cages. 

Whenever we add something to the site, it is logged here. Hopefully this will help you keep up with the changes without getting buried in the details.

This sections describes how our web site is organized and provides some tips on how to navigate around the site.

[About Us]

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