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Site last updated on 06/01/2024

We are currently redesigning our web site. We began the redesign on August 30, 2005 but we were not happy with the navigation. We started over on December 4, 2005 and believe the navigation is much cleaner for visitors to the site. We thought we would be able to finish it in a few weeks, but here we are two years later and there are still large parts that have not been completed. We really are going to try to finish it up for the beginning of the 2008 breeding season. We have had several excellent breeding and testing seasons and our 2008 pairs are gong to be very special - certainly our best to date. In the “Site Map” visitors can clearly see which pages are published and which are coming. The “Site Map” link is located at the top right of every page. This is probably the best way to check out new content. I am currently working on the “Top Ten Lessons Learned”, adding a few every few days.

One of the nice features of this new site is a pedigree analysis that we will publish for many of our reference birds. It figures the percent contribution of all ancestors that appear in the first nine generations. You can see an example on Armstrong's page. We include one of these with all the birds we sell. It doesn't mean much if a bird appears once in the ninth generation, but as you can see from Armstrong, the "Bange Van 51" appears 17 times in 9 generations of Armstrong, making a contribution of 8.7%. That can be useful information. 

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