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Site last updated on 06/01/2024

We work very long hours and unfortunately it sometimes makes it difficult for people to reach us. Listed below are details about the various ways you can contact us and some suggestions for the best way to make contact.


This is the best way to contact us. Our email is monitored throughout the day. is another email address that we also use. Both addresses work fine and are completely interchangeable. Use either or both.

Spam is getting to be very bad problem for everyone who uses email. We currently receive over 1000 junk emails a day and we have been known to throw out real emails that have gotten mixed in with all the spam. We have a spam filter, but it too occationally throws out perfectly good emails. The best trick is to make sure you include the word “pigeon” somewhere in the subject line. We have told the spam filter to never throw those away! Also, if we don’t respond, something has gone wrong. PLEASE write again!


Cell Phone &
Voice Mail

(916) 662-5339

This is Dave's cell phone number. Please feel free to use it. If he is in a meeting or otherwise unavailable, it will take a message.


Contacting Dave

Dave works very long hours and so at times it can be difficult to reach him. He is very happy to return your calls, so please just clearly leave your number and the best time to call you back. Due to time zones & his work schedule he usually calls back the next day. You are welcome to call Dave on his cell phone. It is always with him, but might be set to taking messages due to meetings that he is often in during the day. The best time to reach him is 5-7 PM West Coast Time on his cell phone. This is the time you are most likely to reach him and not a message service. You can call anytime though. If he is not available, the phone will take a message. If he is asleep, no one will even hear the phone. Seriously, you can call any time of the day or night that works for you. We ALWAYS return calls, so if we don’t call you back it is because something was wrong with the message. Sometimes our machine malfunctions and other times it is difficult to understand the call back number that has been left. If we don’t call back in a few days, PLEASE call again.

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