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Young Bird Racing

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[Our Methods] [Young Bird Racing]

Site last updated on 06/01/2024

This is the program we use for racing young birds at Shewmaker Genetics. Some of the ideas are our own and others have been gleamed from other fanciers. The presentation here is copyrighted and may not be republished in any format (internet, video, book, magazine, etc) without written permission. However, we provide it to our clients and individual fanciers in the sport for their own personal use. We use it in Northern California, US and so the dates may need to be different in other parts of the world. We modify it from year to year and you may find areas you wish to modify as well. One of the key concepts of the program is that the young bird team starts the race season with a full and complete moult of body and flight feathers. If you are a beginner to the sport, you should probably give it a thorough reading - not because you have to implement it 100%, but for an understanding of some of the nuances of pigeon racing. Full details are presented here.

[Our Methods] [Health Program] [Young Bird Racing]

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