In 1987 on the advice of Piet De Weerd, Chic Brooks and Brad La Verne went to the racing pigeon loft of Julien and Roland Janssen to purchase a few top flying sprint pigeons.
A white grizzle cock stood out immediately. At first, Julien said, Never for sale. This bird has stolen many races because he enters the loft so quickly on returning from his races. He has been 17x first and at present the best cock on our widowhood team."
Another week of negotiating and with Piet’s help, Julien started to give in a bit and with Roland giving his okay, we paid the price and the white grizzle was headed to Hapyco Lofts of California. We named him while flying home from Belgium. Julien had said he was a thief on race day - this made the White Bandit a very appropriate name. This importation of 7 cocks and 13 hens by Hapyco was called by Piet De Weerd as the finest group of sprint birds he had ever seen leave Belgium..
From this evolved the Hapyco Bandit family-Juliena, his mother with 9x first; Wizard of Win 18x first and Provincial champion; and nestmate Flash 12x first. The White Bandit was the ”King” of Hapyco. More than 170 fanciers are flying his descendents across America. They have won many races and many $ in the money races. The Snow Bird - 2nd, 3rd, 4th (twice), etc. California State Race, Red Band Race, City of Hope, Triple Crown, Auction Races, Futurities, Club and Combine, 120-600, to name a few.
The White Bandit and Maxine were buried together in October of 2002 (he was almost 20 years). But you know he’s been here because on race day, some times it looks like a snow storm is landing!
We have imported more than 120 birds from Roland since 1987. The last two cocks were the Pit Bull, 5x first and producer deluxe, a son of the Pit Bull, Thunderstorm, as a yearling won 5x first, 5x second, 1st Ace Yearling, 1st Champion Yearling Silver Ring (2nd) with 20,000 birds.
Finally we purchased his White Tornado, Ace Pigeon 2001, 5x first, 2x second. His father is a grandson of Bingo, 10x first. His sons and daughters continue to breed winners at Hapyco. The mate to the White Tornado, 4182873 White Hen is from the OLD GR13, 19x 1st, 3x Ace Pigeon, 2x Provincial Champion 2x Silver ring. OLD GR13 is from a grandson of White Bandit.
There are many more outstanding racing pigeons with super results from Roland here at Hapyco and we have a standing offer to purchase the next pigeon racing super star. .