Camellia City Combine Presents a Mega Event!
Chic Brooks – Hapyco Loft This may be your last chance to obtain direct Hapyco birds
Ed Minvielle – Louisiana Ed is bringing a dozen of his very best
Pigeon Supplies – from Siegels Pre-order your supplies and Ed will deliver them – no shipping charges!
When: November 14th (Sunday) 2021
Where: The Fort Sutter Clubhouse 3235 23rd Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95820
8:00 AM Open for Siegels 9:30 AM Birds on Display 11:00 AM Sale begins Lunch to follow
All paid birds not picked up at the auction will be shipped out as soon as possible (most likely Monday November 15th)
The members of the Camellia City Combine are very proud to have this one of a kind event. The combine’s share of the proceeds will go to their fund for a new trailer.
Chic Brooks of Hapyco Loft is 95 and has down sized his operation. This may be one of your last opportunities to obtain birds bred by this master breeder and icon of the sport. Included in the auction are 8 of his Bandit breeders along with two super kits of six Bandits each (no pedigrees on the kits – they are super birds hand picked from his Bandit pen, but Chic has no paperwork on them). Also in the auction are two grandsons of “Senna”, a grandson of the “La Verne Cock”, a De Klak cock whose 4 grandparents Chic bought at De Klak’s estate sale, two Art Hees birds and a pair of grandchildren of “The Deb Ray Cock”, one of the all time greatest breeders at Hapyco Loft.
Ed Minvielle of Jeanerette Louisiana will be bringing a few very select birds from lines that he has just brought into the country and some of his old proven blood. In the group will be one outstanding young cock direct out a super pair of DeRauw Sablon imports, an excellent young hen out of direct Jelle Roziers excellent breeders, a well bred Gevaert Van Schoorisse bird (very closely related to pigeons that are currently flying extremely well in California), a beautiful young cock out of one of the very best pairs of Zazueta Vernazza's that Ed is still breeding (this blood has been crossing great for Ed and has been winning top positions especially well at 300 miles and up), two outstanding birds from Ed's good friend Dean Ledet, out of Dean's excellent Kannibaal Van Loon family and a few select Gino Clicque youngsters direct out of Ed's recent imports. The Clicque birds will be very young, but all of the other birds will be breeding age.
Ed Minvielle, Dean Ledet and Bobby Devorsky from Siegel Pigeons have graciously agreed to drive all the way from Louisiana just for this event! They have to immediately turn around, drive all the way back to Louisiana and load up for an event in New York. Ed will bring pre-orders to the auction at No Charge for shipping. Orders must be placed BY PHONE (1-800-437-4436) and pre-paid only. Since Ed will be leaving Louisiana for California around Wednesday November 10th, it will be imperative that all pre-orders be placed PRIOR to Wednesday November 10th. Ed will also have a small booth of his most popular products, like Ecol Tonic, Siegels Pigeon Power, Bath Salts, Drinkers, and most of the Australia Pigeon Company meds. The booth will be set up on Sunday morning, November, 14th, but because of a very hectic schedule Ed will need to depart the Ft.Sutter Club early afternoon Sunday, so please help Ed help you. Place your orders NOW! BE SURE TO TELL THE GIRL TAKING THE ORDER THAT ED IS TO DELIVER TO CALIFORNIA! This is the opportunity to order your vaccines, medications, vitamins, grit, All in One buckets, minerals and anything else you may desire from Siegels.
Bidders who can’t attend the auction but want to buy some great birds will be able to do so with the help of our proxy bidder. You can trust us with your bid. At many of our auctions, birds with proxy bids have been successfully purchased at much less than what bidders had approved as their top proxy price. For any additional information on any of the birds contact Dave Shewmaker (916) 662-5339 or Ed Minvielle (337) 577-7232. Regarding proxy bids: call Dave Shewmaker at (916) 662-5339. Submit bids by Sat. November 13 at 9:00 p.m. Birds can be shipped to anywhere in the continental United States at cost (be aware of new higher Postal rates, but we will use smaller boxes to help mitigate this).
This truly is an event you do not want to miss.
Sale list of birds that will be in the auction is available here.
Pedigrees of the Hapyco birds are available here.
Pedigrees of the Ed Minvielle birds are available here
Off Highway 99, take the 12th Ave off-ramp,
go West to Franklin Blvd,
go South to 23rd Ave,
turn east onto 23rd Ave,
Clubhouse is 100 yards on the north side of 23rd Ave.
The Clubhouse phone is (916) 452-2582 if you get lost!!!!
A portion of the proceeds will benefit the City of Hope, Junior Flyers and the C S R P O Scholarship Fund.